
Change of direction

The brand became famous with its ball pools kids could dive into, while their parents were led accross various rooms in a shopping maze, meant to create projection and dream. And when the family would get together for lunch, they would all be happy to share meatballs. But it’s over, because Ikea has recently decided to open much smaller stores inside cities, with a reduced surface of only 9’000 sq meters – instead of the usual 25’000. Not enough room for a labyrinth and meatballs… From now on, family trips will be different. Because of the stores’ new size, clients will no longer be able to walk out with their articles in hand. They will need to order them through one of the numerous screens available in the store. It will even be possible to ask for help for putting the pieces together through a dedicated website… About a year ago, the clothing brand for men Abercrombie and Fitch decided to leave its muscled models, its darkness, music and heady perfume to offer a brighter, cooler, more natural and almost new-age look.

As the voices of the marketing temple guardians keep reminding how important it is for a brand to respect its DNA, the changes of direction of these brands are surprising. Are they giving up what made their success? No, say the witty spirits. Because what’s important today is to surprise the consumers. The new marketing fuel is called amazement. Also because nowadays a brand has to show empathy and ability to understand the consumers’ new expectations and weariness. Are they still happy to drive their car to spend the afternoon in a supermarket, even a playful one? In a society that promotes diversity, is the apology of perfect bodies still attractive?

From now on, a brand’s strength lies in its capacity to show different and ever-changing facets. As if brands have to keep rebooting to conquer new targets.

So What ?

Between pop-up stores and flagships, stores have to come in a variety of formats depending on the environment, because the new rule is that the place makes the client.

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